光の際 / Edge of Light 2002
Light transilluminates the body and reaches the viscera.Light activates the body when the intensity of energy (wavelengths) that sustains it matches the intensity of light that illumes the skin.
This condition could be described as "being alive and life being sustained." I created two types of large holes to symbolize man and woman, one with ten holes, and the other with eleven. In this work, the light travels through the glass windows of the building and filters through the hole, reaching the exhibition space like a spotlight. The space was transformed into one large nave.
メゾンエルメス8Fフォーラム(東京)/ 眞田岳彦展「振動を宿すもの」、カーティンユニバーシティ・オブ・テクノロジー(オーストラリア)/ the space between